Viewing labor through a financial lens, and tying it to business performance is what Gartner’s supply chain customers are increasingly asking about. Going beyond the standard productivity metrics of labor management systems is necessary for operations to evolve. Gartner VP of Research names Easy Metrics as “far out in front” in this area.
“I’m getting a lot of customers very interested in [viewing labor through a financial lens]”
Dwight Klappich, Research VP at Gartner Inc.
Read the article on: Logistics Management.
Innovation is a product of pressure and demand — a constrained labor market fits those conditions exactly. So it should be no surprise that the adoption of labor management systems (LMS) are on the rise. Being able to alleviate the symptoms of a tight labor market by optimizing your costs and processes is a huge competitive advantage, and we’re happy to see this article from Logistics Management digging deeper into the topic. Featuring expert input from Dwight Klappich, research VP at Garter, Inc, this article describes how warehouse operations often utilize a suite of warehouse management systems and other applications, but are looking to see how they can cross-compare and dig deep into their processes. You can read it on the Logistics Management website.