Prioritize operational visibility before labor management
The importance of and demand for labor management solutions has skyrocketed recently. The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed this trend. As the supply chain recentered itself on E-commerce, which requires four times the amount of labor, operations are feeling the stress of increased costs. As a result, many companies are rushing into labor management without fully understanding their needs. They’re also drastically underestimating the costs of designing and implementing a good labor management system (LMS). So what should you do before you jump headfirst into labor management?
Start simply. Expose your operational costs with cost to serve analytics and employee utilization analytics. Easy Metrics offers this smarter segway into labor management – one that gives companies a simplified implementation, fast ROI, and a clear path into full labor management. Easy Metrics is able to give you full cost to serve visibility across all operational processes, as well as key measurements on indirect labor, missing time, and labor utilization. By focusing on the latter, companies can reduce their labor spend 5-10% in short order
Download the PDF: Peak Season Visibility
Why Peak Season?
By harvesting data during your busiest time of the year, like cost, process, and utilization data, you’ll be able to quickly see where you should be focusing for labor efficiency gains.
You’ll be able to:
- Uncover systemic opportunities
- Eliminate waste and downtime
- Prioritize savings opportunities in order of financial impact
- Improve indirect processes and scheduling to reduce the amount of indirect time in your facilities

The uncertainty of current events poses fulfillment and demand challenges never seen before. Companies that are armed with operational analytics will be better equipped to forecast and drive efficiency gains that ultimately result in a better customer experience. Easy Metrics is a powerful and easy tool to gain operational visibility first, and a clear path to migrate into full labor management when you are ready. Schedule a call with one of our operations analytics experts to learn more about how to prepare for your next peak season.