Supplement basic productivity metrics with cost analytics for greater efficiency gains and measurable project impact.
Sign up for the Webinar: Cost to Serve Analytics to Drive Continuous Improvement
When you task your operational team with improving service and lowering the overall expense of your operation, continuous improvement projects become a routine part of your business. Continuous improvement projects are most effective when they’re backed by a wealth of supporting operational data and analytics. Having the right data will help you prioritize the projects that will produce the biggest gains, and stop committing to continuous improvement projects with low business impact. That requires more than productivity metrics — you need an additional layer of cost data to build a scalable and impactful continuous improvement practice in your operation. Enter Cost to Serve analytics.
Where productivity metrics show you how your employees are performing on specific processes, Cost to Serve analytics show you what it costs to perform every action in your operation. Going far beyond productivity metrics, you can use Cost to Serve to drill into problem areas and expose their root cause, and then target those root causes in your continuous improvement initiatives. Leveraging both productivity metrics and Cost to Serve analytics will elevate your continuous improvement projects and fix what matters most.
Where Productivity Metrics Fall Short
Productivity metrics pulled from your LMS might include metrics such as missing time and indirect time, which gives you insight into your employee utilization. Other metrics and KPIs can give you further insights into the productivity of your workforce as well, but all of these data points fall short of the entire picture. Only when paired with cost data can you see how efficient the processes and workflows in your operation are, and therefore where the greatest potential continuous improvement opportunities exist.
If you’re interested in learning more about cost to serve and continuous improvement, sign up for our upcoming webinar on how to leverage Cost to Serve Analytics to Drive Continuous Improvement: Go beyond productivity metrics for bigger efficiency gains and measurable project impact. Join Nathen Dorcas and Mike Kwietniewski on June 7th, 2023 for the webinar at 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET. We hope to see you there.